Why We Created Optimize
Frank Overton
There are a number of training apps and platforms out there, so why did FasCat create Optimize? Well, it's pretty simple: No one else is combining data from both power meters and wearables into a single, actionable dashboard that makes sense for cyclists and endurance athletes (runners, swimmers, multisport and even nordic)
In this special edition podcast, Ben Delaney and I talk about what drove FasCat to create Optimize - which was you!
Power meters and heart rate monitors are excellent sources of data on workload. And wearables like Oura and Whoop provide HRV data previously unavailable for everyday athletes looking to quantify recovery. Before Optimize, these two sides of the equation existed only in their own respective vacuums. Siloed data.
Now, Optimize uses a proprietary algorithm that balances both the workload and the recovery to give you clear direction on how to train.
Further, the Optimize training platform incorporates all of our training plans, workouts, meal plans, and recipes. It syncs with Garmin and Wahoo computers to upload your workout data, and it is compatible with Oura, Whoop, and many Garmin watches to upload your sleep and HRV data.
Instead of selling individuals plans as we have done in the past, we now sell subscriptions to Optimize that include unlimited access to all of our plans.
Subscribe today to start training with a plan and with the guidance of Optimize!
Related posts:
- Garmin devices that record HRV and sleep
- What do the Optimize number mean?
- What to the Optimized Training Stress (OTS) values mean?
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Steps to Getting Started with the Optimize App
FasCat Optimize Makes Wearable Data Actionable for Athletes

Road Racing Intervals
- Increase your functional and race-specific power output
- Includes Sweet Spot, VO2, Anaerobic, Threshold

Road Race In-Season
- Weekend racing and group rides with weekday training and recovery
- anaerobic efforts like criss cross, Over/Unders Sweet Spot, Threshold

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals

Phil Gaimon's Strava PR Plan
- Perfect Plan for Those with Less Training Time, starts at 15 minutes per day
- VO2's, 1 minuters, Tabatas, threshold, suprathreshold, and even Sweet Spot